Last updated on 1/21/2010, 3:57:49 PM

Wyandotte County RACES has moved to a new site:
Please click on the above link to move to the new website.
This website is no longer supported and will be removed in the near future.
Thanks all for your support.
Larry Eker, WA0YQM
Wyandotte County RACES Coordinator
Tuesday March 11, 2025 07:11
Welcome to the Wyandotte County / Kansas City Kansas Radio Amateur Civil
Emergency Service (RACES) website. This site will be used to keep members informed, and attract a broader audience. We'll
use this site to get the word out on our organization and create a better sense of community among our members. We'll also
include pictures of our work and members.

Our Mission
Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) provides amateur radio communications
support to the Emergency Management Department during severe storm conditions and other disasters when normal communications
are disrupted.
Wyandotte County RACES VHF Net
Monday at 1830hrs
147.210+ mHz W0KCK/R
151.4 PL Tone
Becoming a Member
In order to work as a member of the RACES Team for the Emergency Management Department, individuals
must first be a FCC licensed Amateur Radio Operator, complete all paperwork that is required to work with emergency management,
and pass a law enforcement background check. These requirements may change.
Hot News
Tuesday August 18, 2009
Wyandotte County EOC
701 N. 7th Street
Kansas City, KS 66101
Questions or comments? Get in touch with us at:
Email: Larry Eker, WA0YQM, Program Coordinator
Emergency Management Department Unified Government
of Wyandotte County / Kansas City KS
701 North 7th Street, Room B-20 Kansas City, KS 66101
ATTN: Larry Eker
Phone: (913) 573-6300

Any comments, questions the pertain to this website please direct
them to me at the link below. Your feedback is most welcomed!!
Email: Larry Eker, WA0YQM Webmaster